Hi blog! Welcome back. A while back I had done some research in hopes of finding good copyright- free music. Now that it has gotten to the time that I have to choose the songs that I will be including. I was able to find a wide variety of options on the website Sound Stripe. Luckily, the process of searching for a song was relatively simple. Considering that the website offers the option to separate the music into different moods or genres.
Music Catalog | Stock Music | Soundstripe
I had to choose two different songs. Due to the fact that the beginning of my film is more down and not as upbeat. The song that I thought to be the most fitting for that section of the film was "Those Lost". This song was considered to be sad, reflective, and calm. However for the ending of the film a more upbeat song was needed, so I searched in the happy section. This lead me to find the perfect song that is called "Happy Feet".
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